Biografia Freddie
Considerato uno dei più grandi cantanti nella storia della musica rock, era noto per il suo stravagante personaggio scenico e l'estensione vocale di quattro ottave.
A soli 12 anni, formò una band scolastica, gli Hectics, suonando cover di artisti rock come Cliff Richard e Little Richard.
Farrokh Bulsara nacque giovedì 5 settembre 1946 presso il Government Hospital di Stone Town, centro storico della capitale di Zanzibar, all’epoca protettorato britannico dove trascorre i primi anni con la famiglia.
I genitori, Bomi (1908–2003) e Jer Bulsara (1922–2016), appartenevano alla comunità Parsi dell’India Orientale ma dovettero trasferirsi a Zanzibar a causa del lavoro del padre, cassiere della Segreteria di Stato delle Colonie. In quanto Parsi professavano la religione Zaroastriana,
Durante la sua permanenza in India Freddie frequentò il St. Peter Boys School a sud di Bombay, dimostrando un eccellente talento artistico e praticando alcuni sport ad ottimi livelli. Il giovane Farrokh dimostrò anche interesse e predisposizione alla musica, tanto che venne notato dal preside del St. Peter College, il quale scrisse una lettera ai suoi genitori suggerendo che, con un aumento della retta mensile, il ragazzo avrebbe potuto prendere lezioni aggiuntive, quindi l’approvazione di Bomi e Jer, il ragazzo raggiunse il quarto grado di apprendimento di pianoforte, imparò a leggere la musica ed entrò a far parte del coro della scuola.
Durante la permanenza in collegio ebbe la prima esperienza musicale formando gli Hectics di cui era il pianista.
Lasciò il College nel 1963 non avendo superato l’esame della decima classe, e continuò gli studi alla St. Mary’s School di Bombay.
After first studying art at Isleworth Polytechnic in West London, Mercury studied graphic art and design at Ealing Art College, graduating with a diploma in 1969.
“Back then, I didn’t really know him as a singer he was just my mate. My crazy mate! If there was fun to be had, Freddie and I were usually involved.”
Roger Tylor
Nella primavera del 1964, a seguito di una rivoluzione a Zanzibar, la famiglia Bulsara si trasferisce iin Gran Bretagna. Following graduation, Mercury joined a series of bands and sold second-hand Edwardian clothes and scarves in Kensington Market in London with Roger Taylor.
He also held a job as a baggage handler at Heathrow Airport.
In 1969, he joined Liverpool-based band Ibex, later renamed Wreckage, which played “very Hendrix-style, heavy blues”. When this band failed to take off, he joined an Oxford-based band, Sour Milk Sea, but by early 1970 this group had broken up as well.
In April 1970, Mercury teamed up with guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor, to become lead singer of their band Smile. They were joined by bassist John Deacon in 1971. Despite the reservations of the other members and Trident Studios, the band’s initial management, Mercury chose the name “Queen” for the new band. He later said, “It’s very regal obviously, and it sounds splendid. It’s a strong name, very universal and immediate. I was certainly aware of the gay connotations, but that was just one facet of it.” At about the same time, he legally changed his surname, Bulsara, to Mercury. It was inspired by the line “Mother Mercury, look what they’ve done to me” from his song “My Fairy King”.
At the age of 12, he formed a school band, the Hectics, and covered rock and roll artists such as Cliff Richard and Little Richard.
Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara in Stone Town in the British protectorate of Zanzibar on 5 September 1946.
His parents, Bomi (1908–2003) and Jer Bulsara (1922–2016), were from the Parsi community of western India.
The family had moved to Zanzibar so that Bomi could continue his job as a cashier at the British Colonial Office. As Parsis, the Bulsaras practised Zoroastrianism. Freddie was born with four extra incisors, to which he attributed his enhanced vocal range.
Mercury spent most of his childhood in India where he began taking piano lessons at the age of seven while living with relatives.
In the spring of 1964, Mercury and his family fled to England from Zanzibar to escape the violence of the revolution against the Sultan of Zanzibar and his mainly Arab government, in which thousands of ethnic Arabs and Indians were killed. They moved to 19 Hamilton Close, Feltham, Middlesex, a town 13 miles (21 km) west of central London.
After first studying art at Isleworth Polytechnic in West London, Mercury studied graphic art and design at Ealing Art College, graduating with a diploma in 1969.